pray for indonesia

My deepest condolences to all the victims of earthquake-tsunami at mentawai islands-west Sumatra, mount merapi eruption at central Java and flash flood at district wasior-west Papua.
Bless my beloved country, Indonesia.

Semoga putra-putri Indonesia masih meneladani semangat Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Pledge) hingga detik ini.
Prihatin rasanya, melihat bagaimana pemuda-pemudi saat ini begitu mudahnya dikobarkan api amarah dan bertindak anarkis dalam menyelesaikan segala perbedaan yang ada.

Please do remember our official national motto:
"Bhinneka Tunggal Ika". Unity in Diversity.

We are one.
We are Indonesian.

i wish i didn't

the harder i try to forget you,
the more i think of you.
when the night has dawn. when i hear your favorite songs. when the rainy days come.