a text from a friend

tak akan ada yang bisa terganti, ris.
karena kamu akan mencintai orang lain dengan cara yang berbeda. dengan rasa yang berbeda pula.
yang perlu kamu lakukan hanyalah memberikan waktu bagi dirimu sendiri untuk beradaptasi dengan itu semua.


terimakasih, bie. :)

rainy night for a hollow heart

hujan. dengan semua tariannya di bumi.
mengingatkanku padamu.

malam dimana rumah bercat hijau yang biasanya riuh itu begitu tenang, karena hujan membuat mereka malas beranjak.

dulu aku sangat menyukai hujan. karena setiap kali tariannya datang membasahi pijakan kita, kau akan memintaku duduk di teras bersamamu. dan kemudian kita duduk diam mendengarkan nyanyian hujan, sambil menatap jalanan lengang yang basah kuyup. sesekali kau hisap rokok di tanganmu, yang asapnya kau hembuskan jauh-jauh dariku. tak banyak cerita yang kita tuturkan. hanya sepatah dua patah cerita. sisanya hanya genggaman hangat dalam diam. belaian ringan di kepalaku. serta bahumu yang terasa begitu nyaman untukku bersandar.

dan malam ini, hujan meninggalkan sebuah ruang kosong di dadaku. menganga. dan pilu.
karena aku tau, takkan ada lagi kisah tentang kita.

namun aku tau satu yang pasti.
sejauh apapun kehidupan membawaku melangkah.
kau, takkan terganti.

a letter for your new girlfriend

i still don't want anything else.


i really need a good doctor. my immune system seems out of control lately. and it's getting worse day by day. *sigh*

i got an urticaria since last month. plus sort of angiodema. i almost cried when i found my eyes were so puffy in that evening. i took a symptomatic medicine almost everyday since then. sometimes, 1 or 2 days, everything looked just fine. i felt great. except my skin, especially my legs skin, i've got ugly spot scars on my legs because of the urticaria. a bit sad i couldn't wear my skirts at work anymore. i could compromise it though. but it started to bug me a lot when i couldn't stop coughing a week after the urticaria attack. i couldn't sleep well at night because of coughing. sometimes i almost threw up because of coughing so much. they looked like an allergy, a hypersensitivity, just like the local doctor said. but i know they're more than common allergies. because i never had any allergies before. and he presumed these allergies were attacking me all of sudden?

been a month. yes, they have been attacking me for a month! great. and i just got a new comer again today. it's an old guest actually. arthritis. it says hello to my right ankle this afternoon. it hurts me when i walk. and now it's getting worse. swelling. and hurts me more. :(

i spent my last 3 hours by crying on the bed. i felt enjoyment with my new life, but my body doesn't seem to get along with me. i feel so lonely because i don't have someone to talk to. yes, i do have new friends here. but i don't feel comfortable spilling out my story, emotion, or anything to them. i just can't talk to my parents either because if they hear about it, all they will do is pull me back to java island, control my activity, my life, and treat me like an ill patient for sure. seriously, i bet they won't let me free and decide my own life.

gosh. the air i breathe seems colder. intakes of breath seem sharper. gosh. i can't stop coughing. i feel like suffocating. my skin rashes are getting wider. my ankle hurts. i'm crossing my fingers, wishing everything and myself will be alright.

but still, i'm facing it all alone.

one day, on a lonely day

i don't know what i want.
i don't know what. but i can feel it.
i mean i can really feel it.

next, next, next!

good job.
cozy apartment.
great car.

thank God, i've got them all.
so... what's next?

a nice hubby.

tell me where can i buy find it him?

wish you're happy with your new life...

the ice

i -still- can't get you off my mind. i find myself thinking about you almost everyday or peeping at your page when i'm online. i always want to say hi to you. talk about anything we used to share. or simply talk about our current life, update each other on what's been happening. but i'm overwhelmed by FEAR that you don't want to talk to me anymore.

so i build up my wall again.
but dammit, i still miss you.

a part of me will always be yours.

please tell me how to break the ice between us.
at least, i miss having you as a close friend.


Someone who lives in your heart
(by: all 4 one)

Last night I dream that you were beside me
It seems so real that I cried
When you've touched me
You're my angel
And you've given me wings

And I fly away with you wherever you go
Cause you filled my heart and you captured my soul
And baby i want you to know

If there's one thing in this world that I know is true
It's the love that I feel when I'm thinking of you
No ocean or mountain can keep us apart 
Coz no one can take away someone who lives in your heart
All the hopes and the dreams are alive 
I'll carry you with me through distance and time
Nothing in this world can keep us apart
Coz no one can take away someone who lives in your heart

And I know there's a million stars between us
But that won't stop my longing 
To hold you and to kiss you
How I love you

And I'll find my way to you wherever you are
Coz you're in my soul and you've got my heart
And your love will carry me on



yeah, let's try something new, mungkin itu time line yang paling tepat buatku sendiri saat ini. setelah terkena cacar air selama 2 minggu yang menyusahkan, jum'at kemarin akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk berangkat ke banjarmasin dan mengambil tawaran kerja baru itu... bahkan sebelum scar bekas cacar airku hilang dari tubuh dan mukaku. -__-"

it was a hard decision anyway. dan masih saja terasa berat juga sampai detik ini. kalimantan merupakan tempat yang asing buatku. borneo island. denger namanya aja udah serem, pikiran yang terlintas pertama kali adalah: terpencil, hutan dan mahal. hehehe. nggak bermaksud mendeskreditkan kalimantan. tapi ya sejujurnya itulah yang terlintas di otak-yang-gak-pernah-update-pelajaran-IPS-sejak-kelas-6-SD. *halah!* tapi aku sadar, ada 1 -atau mungkin 2- alasan kuat yang membuatku ingin pergi dari tanah kelahiranku -jawa- dan melanglang buana ke pulau terbesar di indonesia ini.

so here i am. i can't tell too much about this town. i don't even understand the local language of banjar. oke, aku hanya tau kata "kada" yang berarti "tidak". selebihnya... aku hanya bisa melongo. @_@ tapi apapun itu, aku berharap semoga aku bisa nyaman dan betah tinggal disini.

jadi, ayo bersemangat riris!! ^__^
....dan semoga kembali cantik lagi! huhuhuhu *mikirin scar dan spot di wajah yang belom ilang* :(

something is killing me.

I miss you, when something really good happens, you're the first one I want to share it with. Because I miss you when something is troubling me, you're the only one who would've understand. Because I miss you, when I laugh and cry, you're the only one who could make me laugh harder and make my tears disappear. I don't know where we went and why we grew apart, but you should know, I miss you.