Domestic violence comes in many forms. The abuser can be emotional cruel, verbally sadistic, and -eventually- physically aggressive.
Wondered why some people stay in that kind of marriage? What motivates a person to stay in a relationship that causes them emotional and even physical pain? I know it's puzzling and hard to imagine. But there are reasons. Reasons that all seem like good reasons to me.
In this marriage, and maybe most abusive marriages, violence doesn't happen daily. There are days or weeks, between episodes of violence. During those peaceful times, he is a very loving and kind person. These peaceful times give me hope that the abuse won't happen again. I realize that the love and affection I receives during this time only ties me more deeply to him. Unbelievably, it's hard to walk away from someone you commit to love. Especially when there is hope for change. No matter how irrational that hope is. :(
I often feel responsible for the abuse and feel that I've failed in some way. Sounds like a nonsense? No, I do feel that. Shame keep me from reaching out and asking for help or telling others what is happening in our marriage.
I don't find it easier to stay and try to break the cycle of violence. But sometimes I believe that reason and logic will change him. It seems fair to give him a second chance. I probably believe that deep down his intentions are good, that he doesn’t mean to hurt me.
Whatever my reasons are, for now, I hope it's worth making the effort to save this marriage.