rain and sunflower

evenworstxxx: BUZZ!

(30 minutes later)

riezt_world: uh. *smirk*

riezt_world: sorry, just woke up

evenworstxxx: oo sleepyhead!

riezt_world: *pout* whatever *yawn*

evenworstxxx: seriously

evenworstxxx: we likely will meet each other again this year.

riezt_world: good... *yawn*

riezt_world: what's up...

evenworstxxx: *LOL*

riezt_world: <<<<< i'm still sleepy you know...  =_=

evenworstxxx: be there or i'm gonna rape you hardly

riezt_world: oo yeah... funny. =_=

evenworstxxx: i mean be here

riezt_world: huh?

riezt_world: wait... "here"?

evenworstxxx: uh hummm

riezt_world: ....

riezt_world: shuddup. wtf.

evenworstxxx: don't forget to sing me a song on that day.

riezt_world: ??

riezt_world: ....................

riezt_world: 0__o ohhh fuggggggggggggggggggggg

evenworstxxx: *LOL*

riezt_world: fuggggggggggggggggggggg

evenworstxxx: wish me luck, mate

riezt_world: fuggggggggggggggggggggg

evenworstxxx: sorry, i'm first in life...

riezt_world: fuggggggggggggggggggggg

evenworstxxx: *angel smile*

riezt_world: just tell me what the hell is going on!

evenworstxxx: i'm gonna get married

riezt_world: who.  0_o

evenworstxxx: me

riezt_world: fugg. i was right then....

evenworstxxx: : hehehe...

riezt_world: ....

riezt_world: who's the bride?

evenworstxxx: hmmph

riezt_world: spill it out

evenworstxxx: my old schoolmate

riezt_world: how could you never told me about her =(

evenworstxxx: we were on the same year back then in my highschool

evenworstxxx: you are the first one whom i told about this, stupid

riezt_world: oh....

riezt_world: ....

riezt_world: but, i mean... you two haven't chosen the marriage date, right?

evenworstxxx: i've chosen it.

evenworstxxx: heeeeee..... *smirk*

riezt_world: ??

riezt_world: gosh... and.... when?

riezt_world: wait... is she pregnant or something? *raise eyebrow*

evenworstxxx: no gawd damned!

evenworstxxx: guess the date, mate

riezt_world: no more riddle. just tell me. LOL.

riezt_world: uh crap. you're gonna leave me alone. =(

evenworstxxx: just guess it. i'll give you 2 chances.

evenworstxxx: come on

evenworstxxx: guess my marriage month....

riezt_world: uh...

riezt_world: *shrug* uh, "my month", august? LOL.

riezt_world: just kidding.

evenworstxxx: hmmm

evenworstxxx: you're right mate

evenworstxxx: =P

riezt_world: huh?? 0_o

evenworstxxx: now... guess THE SPECIFIC DATEEEEEEE...

riezt_world: LOL. i don't knooow... it can't be on my birthday, right. LOL. =P

evenworstxxx: *HUG*

evenworstxxx: hehehe

evenworstxxx: hehehehe

evenworstxxx: hehehehehe

riezt_world: what

evenworstxxx: hehehehehehe

riezt_world: WTH with that "hehehe" silly

evenworstxxx: hehehe. you don't mind i "borrow" your birthday, eh?

riezt_world: uh?

evenworstxxx: *HUG*

riezt_world: on agustus 12??

riezt_world: agustus 12??

evenworstxxx: uwwww... now u know i love u so much

evenworstxxx: =)

riezt_world: *gasp* it's... just... impossible...

evenworstxxx: be here, my mate...

riezt_world: omg. are you serious? *teary eyes*

evenworstxxx: =)

riezt_world: goshhh... i am crying now... T__T

evenworstxxx: sing me something beautiful on that day, will you?

evenworstxxx: something beautiful... just like us...

evenworstxxx: *HUG*

riezt_world: T________T gosh.........

evenworstxxx: *HUG*

evenworstxxx: ssshhhh... *rubs*

evenworstxxx: you're shameful... =)

evenworstxxx: don't cry... =)

riezt_world: *sobbing* whatever

riezt_world: u didn't joke around? *sobbing*

riezt_world: T_____T

riezt_world: ='(

evenworstxxx: mate, why...

riezt_world: nothing...

riezt_world: it's mixed inside... ='(

evenworstxxx: you don't like it?

riezt_world: no. it's not like that...

riezt_world: you know...

riezt_world: it's just... *sigh*

riezt_world: i'm gonna miss u... *cries*

evenworstxxx: *HUG*

evenworstxxx: mee too...

riezt_world: you'll leave me...

evenworstxxx: nooo...

evenworstxxx: its not im gonna be dead or something

riezt_world: lol... i cant see the keyboard clearly

evenworstxxx: i'll be around, mate...

riezt_world: i'm glad to see you're happy... you should have known that...

riezt_world: i really am

riezt_world: *HUG*

riezt_world: it's just... *sigh*

evenworstxxx: *HUG*

evenworstxxx: i know...

evenworstxxx: i know mate... =)

riezt_world: =(

evenworstxxx: =)

evenworstxxx: ........... =)

riezt_world: look how different our emoticon...

riezt_world: lol.... =(

evenworstxxx: ....

evenworstxxx: i'm tired, mate...

evenworstxxx: you know.... it's....

riezt_world: <<< silly

riezt_world: i know...

riezt_world: it's your time, De...

evenworstxxx: i'm not that young anymore to fall awake by myself...

riezt_world: i know... =)

riezt_world: just a bit shock ok..... but i'm fine =)

riezt_world: come gimme a hug... ^__^

evenworstxxx: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BIGGGGGGGGG HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG)))))))))))))))))))))))

riezt_world: ^__^

riezt_world: how's the preparation, De?

evenworstxxx: mate, it will be just a small party

riezt_world: who has chosen the date?

evenworstxxx: ME

riezt_world: *hug* i love you mate

riezt_world: =')

evenworstxxx: i know =)

evenworstxxx: i know =)

evenworstxxx: i know =)

evenworstxxx: and i know your eyes are teary now.....

riezt_world: that really touched me...

riezt_world: =')

evenworstxxx: =)

evenworstxxx: hmmm

evenworstxxx: let me tell you something... so you can laugh...

riezt_world: uh?

riezt_world: what is it?

evenworstxxx: well.... she's not pretty...

riezt_world: ??

riezt_world: do you still think pretty face is important?

evenworstxxx: but she's nice...

riezt_world: good.

evenworstxxx: and....


evenworstxxx: hahahahahahahahahahaha

evenworstxxx: hahahahahahahaha

riezt_world: huhhhhh?? 0__o

riezt_world: LOOOOOL

riezt_world: ooo shit

evenworstxxx: hahahaha

riezt_world: u should buy me something expensive! 0__o

evenworstxxx: nooo it's not like what you're thinking!


evenworstxxx: hahahahahahaahah

evenworstxxx: i'm not materialistiiiiiic!!

evenworstxxx: hahahahahaha

riezt_world: LOOOOL

evenworstxxx: it's just, she's rich by chance.

evenworstxxx: hahahahahaha

riezt_world: fugg ya faggot

riezt_world: you're kinda smart to choose a bride


evenworstxxx: hahahahahahahah

evenworstxxx: destiny is fair

riezt_world: stop laughing

evenworstxxx: after all this time gawd damned

evenworstxxx: hahahahahaa

riezt_world: you'll get jaw cramp

riezt_world: hahahahaha

evenworstxxx: hahahahahahahahahaha

riezt_world: oooooooooo fug

evenworstxxx: so i tell u now

riezt_world: what

evenworstxxx: go and meet god!

evenworstxxx: hahahahahaa

riezt_world: seriously, i'm going to collect the debts. LOOOOOOOOOOL

riezt_world: hahahahhahahahhahahhaa includes the interests.

evenworstxxx: what loan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

evenworstxxx: i didn't borrow your money

evenworstxxx: hahahaahahha

riezt_world: how could u forget all that loan! 0__o


evenworstxxx: what loan

riezt_world: fuggggggggggggggg

riezt_world: "mate, may i borrow your money... just 10.000 Rupiahs... bla bla bla..."

evenworstxxx: i already paid it.

evenworstxxx: hahahaahahah

riezt_world: "mate, i really need money to rent a studio...."

evenworstxxx: hahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahah

evenworstxxx: i paid it already, satannnnnnnnnnnn!

evenworstxxx: with my body. =P

riezt_world: WTF!

evenworstxxx: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

riezt_world: "mate, pleaseeeeee.... now i just need 20.000 Rupiahs.... "

riezt_world: "duhh mate... may i borrow ...bla bla bla... this time..."

evenworstxxx: hahaha dont u ever tell that stroy in front of her


evenworstxxx: no gawe damned i never said that hahahahahahaha

riezt_world: u said that silly!

evenworstxxx: no no no nononononoo

riezt_world: tsk! how come you betray me this way! LOOOL

evenworstxxx: ahahhhahaa

riezt_world: *pout*

riezt_world: listen. all you have to is buy me tickets and all accommodation. ok? =D

evenworstxxx: i already paid it with the most lovely classic guitar in the planet!

riezt_world: LMAO! fugg! you gave it to me for free - GRATIS!

evenworstxxx: hehehehehe

evenworstxxx: hahaha

riezt_world: remember it! G.R.A.T.I.S.

evenworstxxx: nothing is free mate

riezt_world: WTH!

evenworstxxx: hahahahaahahahaha

riezt_world: that toyo-yoyo-something guitar, remember?

riezt_world: gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

evenworstxxx: just like they said: money has brothers.

riezt_world: you're bloody mafia!!

evenworstxxx: hahahaahaha

evenworstxxx: ok ok ok huffff

evenworstxxx: enough

riezt_world: LOOOOL

evenworstxxx: hahahaaha

riezt_world: hahahaha

riezt_world: take it! i didn't ask you to tell me whether she's rich or something. LMAO!

riezt_world: i don't have money now. i'm not that rich. so just gimme the tickects and else. LOL!

evenworstxxx: haaaaaahahahahaha

evenworstxxx: hahahaha

riezt_world: i'm fuckin serious


evenworstxxx: oke oke gawd damned

evenworstxxx: here is what u gonna get: 1. ONE ticket shuttle... cheap economic class train

riezt_world: =__________________=

evenworstxxx: 2. ONE cheap room in a cheap hotel

riezt_world: =__________________________=

riezt_world: is that the way you love me?

evenworstxxx: hahahahahahaahaaaaaa

evenworstxxx: hahahahahahaahahaaa

evenworstxxx: ok ok st. august!!

evenworstxxx: stop sulking! hahahaha

riezt_world: *giggles*

evenworstxxx:ok, now, seriously...

riezt_world: you're soooo mean to me... =__=

evenworstxxx: LOL. i just teased you. =)

evenworstxxx: you are the best

evenworstxxx: im gonna give you the best =)

riezt_world: awwwwwwwwwwww

riezt_world: thank you *cuddle* =)

evenworstxxx: just don't forget to bring your swimsuit.

riezt_world: haaa??

riezt_world: 0__o

evenworstxxx: you will stay in a hotel with pool

riezt_world: uh? are you gonna set up the party in the pool? 0__o

evenworstxxx: i talked about the hotel you're staying, moron! LOL!

riezt_world: LMAO. =P

riezt_world: damn you idiot, i won't think about swimming on that day.

riezt_world: i must be so sad...

riezt_world: .......

evenworstxxx: hush hush hush

riezt_world: and i'm gonna be alone in your town. i know nowhere in Cirebon.

evenworstxxx: don't worry

evenworstxxx: you can have me for one night. hahahaha. just kidding =P

riezt_world: LOL! can you ummm... send someone hot there

evenworstxxx: ahhhhaaaahahahaha

riezt_world: hahahhahahha

riezt_world: just kittin. =P

evenworstxxx: hahahaahah

evenworstxxx: yo girl. Erwin is hot enough

evenworstxxx: Basuki too

riezt_world: fug

riezt_world: how come you thrust erwin to me. LMAO

evenworstxxx: they are the best motherfucker in the planet. hahahaha.

riezt_world: LOL!

riezt_world: i'm serious. i just need someone who can accompany me in your town.

riezt_world: erwin or someone i've known already... so i won't feel awkward there.

evenworstxxx: umm, there will be Erwin

evenworstxxx: Basuki

evenworstxxx: Asar

evenworstxxx: Hayyah

evenworstxxx: but you better accompanied by Erwin.

riezt_world: really?

evenworstxxx: he can accompany you to the club or somewhere.

riezt_world: WTF

riezt_world: i don't like clubbing!

riezt_world: >__<

riezt_world: i'm still your st. august!

evenworstxxx: hahahahahahahahahaha

evenworstxxx: go to the club and drink a lot! hahaha!

riezt_world: dohh

evenworstxxx: then you will fly...

evenworstxxx: check in to the room with erwin...

riezt_world: ewwwwwwwwwwwww, no way! >__<

evenworstxxx: hahahahahahaha

evenworstxxx: just kidding. =)

evenworstxxx: why so serious? hehehe

riezt_world: do you think erwin can take care of me?

riezt_world: just like you did?

evenworstxxx: yup. =)

evenworstxxx: he's a good boy.

riezt_world: tell him about my principle ok... st. august, holy maria or whatever you usually called me.

evenworstxxx: i will, my mateeeeeeeee... =)

evenworstxxx: hehehe

riezt_world: gawd

riezt_world: *deep breathing*

evenworstxxx: *rubs riris' brow*

evenworstxxx: you grew up well, mate... =)

riezt_world: can we meet each other before your wedding? been a long time... =(

evenworstxxx: we can.

evenworstxxx: we even haven't visited Bali together just like our promise, remember?

riezt_world: =(

riezt_world: i'll loose my bodyguard soon... :(

evenworstxxx: =)

evenworstxxx: i'm not going anywhere

riezt_world: who will kick those sketchy guys' butt if they tease me? =(

evenworstxxx: ..... =P

evenworstxxx: *HUG*

riezt_world: are u happy, De? =)

evenworstxxx: yeah kinda...

riezt_world: :) good

riezt_world: just promise me you're gonna be happy =)

evenworstxxx: yeah maybe

riezt_world: stop being that sort of person  X(

evenworstxxx: at least i'm gonna make so many people happy

evenworstxxx: her, them.

riezt_world: i was aking about you.

riezt_world: not them

evenworstxxx: =)

evenworstxxx: i learn something from this all

evenworstxxx: that happiness can be made by making someone else's happy.

riezt_world: indeed

riezt_world: better late than never realize that =)

evenworstxxx: =)

riezt_world: dammit. i remember the day when i tried to apply new job in Cirebon

evenworstxxx: hehehehe

riezt_world: just because i wanted to stay near to you. LOL.

evenworstxxx: yup yup

evenworstxxx: mateeeeeeeee

riezt_world: hum?

evenworstxxx: we need lots of nurses here in cirebon.

evenworstxxx: move here!

riezt_world: lol. every town needs nurses, silly. =P

riezt_world: and i should choose lecturer now.

evenworstxxx: oh, i forgot that. =(

riezt_world: it's ok

evenworstxxx: i only remember your bra cup. XXX.

evenworstxxx: hihihhihhihihihi

riezt_world: you're getting older and got alzheimer LMAO

riezt_world: that XXX is sexayyyy ya know =P

evenworstxxx: heheheehee

evenworstxxx: you are, you areeeee! ;)

evenworstxxx: hun, i GTG for a while

riezt_world: hum.. ok

evenworstxxx: mom need a ride.

riezt_world: text me if there's something new, ok.

riezt_world: i deactivated my FB.

evenworstxxx: ok matey

evenworstxxx: *rubs riris's head*

riezt_world: =)

riezt_world: love ya mate

evenworstxxx: =)

evenworstxxx: me too.

evenworstxxx: I LOVE YOU

riezt_world: thank you =)

evenworstxxx: see u soon! =)